Interview: Irv Kleiner, Humber River Hospital Foundation Board Member
Tell us a little about yourself!
My name is Irv Kleiner and I joined the Foundation’s Board of Directors last year. In addition to being a Board Member, I am also a grateful former patient.
What makes you passionate about Humber River Hospital?

“Humber River Hospital’s Command Centre is comparable to having a leading-edge ‘mission control’ which effectively facilitates the Hospital’s ability to monitor and manage patient flow and patient care at all times,” says Irv.
I became enthusiastic about our Hospital after being a patient here. In December 2018, I had a full knee replacement. The care that I received was amazing. The Hopsital facility was unlike any other hospital that I had ever seen before. The use of technology and automation is truly world class. I was so impressed with the speed of which I was in, out of surgery , and on the road to recovery.
Humber River Hospital is indeed revolutionary. Whenever I talk about Humber with others, a part of the narrative is consistently how remarkable it is that the Hospital uses leading-edge technology in the course of delivering better hospital services to its patients in such an efficient way.
What is the most interesting way technology is being used at the Hospital?
Humber River Hospital’s Command Centre is comparable to having a leading-edge ‘mission control’ which effectively facilitates the Hospital’s ability to monitor and manage patient flow and patient care at all times. The Command Centre uses real-time data, video feeds from across the Hospital, advanced algorithms, and predictive analytics. This provides decision-makers from across the programs with a fast, instantaneous view of how effectively our patients are moving through the Hospital.
Is there a Program of Care that you have a personal connection to?
When I first became a Board Member I was not familiar with Humber’s Mental Health & Addictions Program. In the short time that I have been a Board member learning more about this particular program, I have been so impressed with how this Program supports its patients, especially on the Child & Adolescent side. In our catchment area, there is a real need for proper mental health services and I am so pleased that we are able to offer that kind of support at Humber.
Do you have a favourite fundraising project?

“I became enthusiastic about Humber River Hospital after being a patient here,” says Irv. “In December 2018, I had a full knee replacement. The care that I received was amazing.”
This year I joined the committee for the (sold out!) AWESOME Invitational Golf Tournament, which is taking place August 24th, 2020. We are so pleased that it’s happening and that we can proceed with the Tournament safely. The golfers that I have spoken to are excited to be playing at Islington Golf Club. It is going to be a great day of golf for a great cause, and an excellent opportunity to familiarize our golfers and participants with what Humber River Hospital offers and contributes to the community.
What is something awesome you’ve done in the last year?
This past year I have been proud to find different ways of giving back to my community. In addition to my work with Humber River Hospital Foundation, I have also been involved with some other charitable initiatives that have focused on Alzheimer’s research and diseases of the brain. It has been satisfying to know that I can make a difference and my hope is to continue to make a difference while serving as a member of the Hospital’s Board of Directors.
What inspires you?
I am inspired by people that I am surrounded by who are resilient, and who have overcome difficult challenges and adversity against all odds.