
The Aspen Grove Society

If you are a lawyer or financial advisor, please click here.

A gift in your Will to Humber River Health Foundation is a promise to provide health, hope and love to your neighbours, forever.

Planned Giving Aspen Grove SocietyImagine you are here with us at Humber River Health. One of the first things you’ll see is a lovely public art project Aspen Grove. It was created as a way to honour the diversity in our community. The aspen grove—though it has different colours, different shapes, and different sizes—trees actually come from one root system. The trees don’t have individual roots; they’re connected. That’s our community.

When you join your fellow neighbours by choosing to make a gift in your Will to Humber, you become a member of the Aspen Grove Society, a dedicated group of donors who are connected by your generosity, your kindness and your compassion for the future health of your neighbours.

When you let us know that you have joined our Society, we are pleased to offer you these exclusive benefits:

  • Invitations to events for Society members, including our Doc Talks series, our Donor Reception and other special events
  • Exclusive updates and reports for Society members
  • Recognition on our website and donor wall
  • Gifts over $25,000 have the opportunity to name a room or space in a meaningful program area with your preferred recognition name once the gift has been realized
  • The ability to customize your giving through Life Insurance, RRSPs, RRIFs, and more

Our Aspen Grove Society Donors

Lawyers & Financial Planners

Information for Professional Advisors

We’ve compiled the key information you might need to help your clients leave a gift to Humber River Health Foundation.

Our legal name for purposes of making a gift in your will is Humber River Health Foundation. Our charitable registration number is # 11930 6306 RR0001.

Sample wording:

  • Specific Bequest – designate a specific dollar amount or piece of property in your Will to the Humber River Health Foundation (e.g., stocks/bonds, property, works of art)

Suggested clause: “I give the sum of $___________ (or a description of the property) to Humber River Health Foundation, 1235 Wilson Ave, Level 1, Toronto, ON M3M 0B2 to be used in support of its general charitable purposes.”

  • Residual Bequest – in your Will you allocate all of—or a portion of—your estate to the Humber River Health Foundation that remains after all debts, taxes, expenses and other bequests are paid.

Suggested clause: “I give ________ (%) of the residue of my estate remaining to Humber River Health Foundation, 1235 Wilson Ave, Level 1, Toronto, ON M3M 0B2 to be used for its general charitable purposes.”

  • Contingent Bequest – you make a provision in your Will that your gift only takes effect if your primary intention cannot be met (i.e. if the primary beneficiary and alternate beneficiaries do not live longer than you).

Suggested clause: “If neither (name of primary beneficiary) nor (name of alternate) survives me for 30 days, then I give (description of the amount of cash, percentage of residue, etc.) to Humber River Health Foundation, 1235 Wilson Ave, Level 1, Toronto, ON M3M 0B2 to be used for its general charitable purposes.”


This information does not constitute or substitute legal, accounting, other professional advice. We encourage and expect our supporters to seek independent counsel to make decisions that best fit their needs. For questions, please contact Caterina Magisano at cmagisano@hrh.ca.

Get in Touch

For a confidential discussion, please contact:

Caterina Planned Giving

Caterina Magisano, CFRE
Director of Development, Leadership Philanthropy

Office: 416-242-1000 ext. 81516
Email: cmagisano@hrh.ca