TeleVU Realtime Remote Collaboration

May 16, 2024

TeleVU enables our Cardiologists to provide real-time medical guidance, support, and collaboration from anywhere, ensuring that patients receive timely and expert care no matter where they are located.

Thanks to the generous support of our donors, the Cardiology Program at Humber River Health has acquired an exciting new technology known as TeleVU. This groundbreaking innovation has revolutionized how our Cardiologists engage with patients and collaborate with healthcare professionals, regardless of their physical location.

TeleVU enables our Cardiologists to provide real-time medical guidance, support, and collaboration from anywhere, ensuring that patients receive timely and expert care no matter where they are located. Even if our cardiologists cannot be physically present at the hospital, they can still offer their expertise remotely, thanks to this advanced technology.

At the core of TeleVU’s functionality are hands-free “smart glasses” worn by Humber technicians who are delivering care at the patient’s bedside. These glasses facilitate seamless communication and collaboration between the on-site healthcare team and our Cardiologists, allowing for instant peer-to-peer support and consultation. This means that critical decisions can be made promptly, leading to faster and more effective treatment for our patients.

By leveraging TeleVU, we are not only enhancing the efficiency of medical procedures but also improving patient outcomes by ensuring that they receive high-quality care even when Cardiologists cannot be onsite. This innovative approach to healthcare delivery is made possible by the ongoing generosity of our donors, whose contributions have enabled us to stay at the forefront of medical technology and provide the best possible care to our community.

With TeleVU, Humber River Health’s Cardiology Program is leading the way in embracing digital solutions to enhance patient care, and we are immensely grateful to our donors for their continued support in making this possible.