Inspired by her Life-Changing Hip Replacement, Michelle is proud to Leave her Legacy at Humber

Six years ago, Michelle ended up being the first patient in the GTA to have both hips replaced at the same time using the Hana Table. “Five hours after my surgery I was up and walking,” she says.
Michelle had needed many surgeries throughout her life, but having her hips replaced was something she tried desperately to avoid.
“I had been living with hip pain since I was 19 years old,” says Michelle. “I had known I would need a hip replacement for a decade before I finally saw Dr. Rodriguez-Elizalde at Humber River Hospital. I wanted to try everything else first.”
The truth was, Michelle’s hip pain had become so normal to her that she could not envision a future where she lived pain-free. That is, until she met a friend of a friend who told her about being pain-free after his own hip replacement surgery. Michelle began interviewing surgeons, and when she met Dr. Sebastian Rodriguez-Elizalde, she had the gut feeling he was the kind of guy who makes things happen. She found him kind, attentive, and caring, and trusted him immediately.
Six years ago, Michelle ended up being the first patient in the GTA to have both hips replaced at the same time using the Hana Table, a specially-designed operating table being trialed at the time at Humber River Hospital by Dr. Rodriguez-Elizalde. The Hana Table allowed him to operate through the front of the hip between the muscles, meaning less bleeding, less trauma, and faster recovery for his patients like Michelle.
“Five hours after my surgery I was up and walking,” says Michelle. “Within two weeks I was walking without a walker. I could stand for hours – it was incredible! After a few more weeks, I travelled to Europe and visited museums, participated in activities, and started to live life again. It was as if I were 18 again – I could stand and walk for hours, entertain, cook, and golf without any pain.”
The second thing that struck Michelle about her experience at Humber River Hospital was the people. She marvelled at the kindness of every single person she encountered.
“Humber River Hospital has made me realize that we can have a world-class hospital in Canada,” says Michelle. “That’s why I wanted to help purchase a Hana Table for Humber to use with future patients.”

“Right now, I’m still looking after my family. But a legacy gift through the Aspen Grove Society is a promise for the future,” says Michelle.
Originally, Michelle had planned on travelling internationally for her hip-replacement surgery. Instead she donated the planned cost of her travels to Humber River Hospital Foundation which went towards purchasing the technology that had made her surgery possible.
Then, last summer, Michelle’s friends told her about the charitable gifts they were leaving in their Wills and she realized that was also something she wanted to do for Humber. By deciding to leave Humber River Hospital Foundation in her Will, Michelle has become part of the Aspen Grove Society, our legacy giving program.
“Right now, I’m still looking after my family. But a legacy gift is a promise for the future,” she says. “It makes me feel proud that down the road my gift will help the people at Humber do what they do best: continue to inspire world-class healthcare right here in Canada.”
Leaving a gift to Humber River Hospital Foundation in your Will is easy. You can learn more on our website here or find us on Will Power. For a confidential discussion, please contact Caterina Magisano at 416-242-1000 ext. 81516 or