Humber River Hospital’s Geriatric Emergency Management Nurses

December 13, 2017

Ola, Gracious, and Carla are Geriatric Emergency Management (GEM) Nurses in Humber’s ER. They work as consultants and advocates on behalf of the senior patients who come in through the Emergency Room. Geriatric patients are often at the Hospital for complex reasons that can include cognition, falls, delirium, diet, issues with medication, and more. The GEM Nurses help doctors assess if and when these patients can go home safely, and connect them to community resources (such as homecare and respite care) and to provide appropriate specialist updates and referrals.

Ola told us, “There are many barriers to assessing our elderly patients. They’re very vulnerable. They’re not the most agile or vocal, they can be confused or hard of hearing, and they often rely on family members to communicate. It’s so important to have people who are passionate and patient to work effectively with seniors. We are here to advocate for them in a way that preserves their dignity.”

Gracious added, “These patients have contributed so much in their lifetime, and this is our chance to give back!”